There’s more to office kitchen cleaning and maintenance than mere convenience. Contrary to popular belief, an office kitchen is not just a place for coffee breaks and small talk. It’s also a place where germs grow and morale is often fostered. The truth is, the cleanliness of your office kitchen actually impacts both the employees’ well-being and productivity.
Top 5 Reasons Why Office Kitchen Cleaning Is Important
Office kitchen cleaning is a business owner’s hidden treasure awaiting discovery. Here are the top 5 reasons why you, as the manager or business owner, should put a premium on office kitchen cleanliness:
1. Prevention of microbial growth and contamination in the workplace
A dirty office kitchen can be health threat to your employees, which can influence not just their productivity but also their well-being. Disease-causing bacteria, viruses, and parasites are found everywhere. Unfortunately, your office kitchens are not exempted – in fact, out of all the areas of your business property, this is often the most likely place where such germs or insects and pests are found.
When office kitchen hygiene is neglected, microbial growth can get out of hand and may even harbor food-borne illnesses. Harmful organisms love dirty kitchen utensils like knives and cutting boards. They can also multiply in your office kitchen cupboards, countertops, utensils, and other surfaces. The next thing you know, your office kitchen has become a haven for harmful microscopic organisms that can make your employees weak and ill. I don’t say this to scare you or to make some cheeky attempt to sell you on our services. I mention these examples because we’ve seen it multiple times over our decades of experience. This stuff happens and it’s not pretty.
With germs and health issues aside, office kitchen cleanliness is a great way to keep employees bouncing and healthy in the workplace. Through professional office kitchen cleaning, employers can prevent workplace microbial contamination and infection, making it a safer place for everyone. Keep your kitchen a positive place that’s both inviting and safe for everyone.
2. Conservation of business earnings from sick leave
Dirty office kitchen utensils and surfaces can cause illnesses. In fact, employee absenteeism is often a result of poor workplace hygiene. According to the Center for Disease and Control Prevention (CDC), businesses can lose as much as 225 billion dollars from employee sick leave. On the other hand, having healthy employees means reduced costs for employer-paid healthcare costs. These figures should nudge employers to look at ways they can create and maintain a hygienic office kitchen environment.
Hiring office kitchen cleaning services from a reputable and reliable provider will not only make the workplace clean and conducive for health, it can also contribute to the lessening of unnecessary business losses and healthcare costs.
3. Increased employee productivity
Vibrant and healthy employees contribute to an increase in business productivity. It happens when you maintain a healthy workplace environment. Obviously, this includes keeping your office kitchen clean and germ-free since it’s typically exposed to the most food, contaminant, and traffic.
When employees are in good shape, they are more likely to maintain high attendance. In fact, studies show that healthy employees have fewer sick leaves than their sickly counterparts. As a result, the chances of employee absenteeism is lower. Healthy employees are definitely more efficient and focused. In turn, employers like you can enjoy more profit boosts and steady business growth.
4. Easier office kitchen equipment maintenance
Have you ever thrown office kitchenware or coffee machine because of nasty mildew that’s just impossible to remove?
Dirty, unkempt office kitchen appliances and supplies often have shorter life spans. Things like this are preventable and can be resolved by cleaning your office kitchen regularly and early on.
5. Leave a first office impression that lasts
Leaving a good office impression among your guests and prospective clients is just as important as closing a good deal with them.
Don’t turn them off or sour their experience with a filthy office kitchen. A clean office kitchen not only makes your office presentable and pleasant to look at. It is also an excellent way to communicate to guests that you take pride in everything – even in your office kitchen.
Don’t Take Office Kitchen Cleaning for Granted!
Hiring the best office kitchen cleaning service provider is the only way to reap the benefits of a clean and organized office kitchen space.
If you’re a Nevada or California-based business owner, experience the wonderful benefits of workplace cleanliness through All Ready Janitorial Services. Our trained and well-equipped personnel will know how to make your office space an oasis of cleanliness.
All Ready Janitorial Services has all the things you’re looking for in a commercial cleaning service. Since 1995, we’ve taken care of businesses and properties as if they were our own. All Ready is the best and most experienced cleaning company in the area. We offer a variety of cleaning services that you can learn more about here. If you are interested in getting a quote, call us at 818-286-3609 for a consultation or click here for your free estimate.